Friday, April 24, 2009


Ok bloggers,

It's time to say goodbye, this is my last and final entry and I just wanted to wish all of you the best of luck in your future endeavors. I have had a blast these past two years getting to meet students and sharing with them my experiences as being a college student as well as Suffolk. I believe that I have lived the "college experience" through the friendships that I've made, my involvements, and being able to go abroad a Suffolk Madrid. It's a bitter sweet moment because I am thrilled to be graduating as well as a little sad because I've had some really awesome professors and I have had a really positive experience.

So before I go I will of course leave you with some words of wisdom. First off, definitely explore your options, don't settle on a school without first exploring it, go on a tour and invest in learning about the resources that are available. NEVER chose a school just because of the name because that is just a poor decision, it has to be the right fit for you. Lastly, take advantage of all the opportunities that are available, it's up to you to create for yourself that "college experience". Remember, you can party but also realize that you are supposed to be getting a degree at the end of your college experience, so don't lose hindsight of the actual reason of why your in college.

and so peeps,

GOOD LUCK and Make good choices.


1 comment:

Sara said...

Congrats Rich! We will miss youSO MUCH! Best of luck and visit often!
