Monday, March 16, 2009

Spring Break

I am so happy that it's Spring Break right now, despite the fact that I am not on a beach some where soaking up the sun. I was a little upset that I didn't have any where to go, last Spring Break I went to Puerto Rico and the Break before that I went to North Carolina. So it's kind of a bummer but I am still relaxing which is nice. I'm staying at the dorms for part of the break and then I am going to visit the fam for the last couple of days. It's actually pretty awesome to be the only one on the floor because it's quiet. Being an RA has it's moments in which you are always surrounded by people, so it's nice not having people around all the time.

I'm also becoming very anxious, some of my friends are now and have been getting their acceptance letters from their Grad Schools. I still haven't heard back and I've only applied to two Grad Schools. I thought that I might have limited myself but these are the schools that were of interest to me. I hope to hear back SOOOONNNNN!!!!

Other than that small bit of news nothing else is really going on besides...there being ONLY FIVE WEEKS LEFT OF THE SEMESTER THEN GRADUATION!!!! Well that's it for now, I'll keep you posted.


1 comment:

J. Clarence said...

Did you just use the word "dorm", Doria!? What the duce!

I hope you hear back from your schools soon. Good luck!