Tuesday, November 25, 2008


So last week a rocked!!!

So on Monday I had a debate in my Senior Seminar class for psychology. It was pretty intense because I tend to psych myself out and so I tend to over prepare which can be good. The topic was on whether or not research shows that homosexual parenting does not have a negative effect on children. I was the mediator which you would think is an easy part, because all you have to do is sit there but it's not that easy. You have to be knowledgeable of both sides and also I had to bring in my own article and come up with questions to ask to kick off the debate. So it was a lot of work to do but we rocked! we took the class by storm and I feel as though it was a job well done.

For another class I also had six papers (no lie) due for the same class. Granted it was expected because my professor told us that in the beginning that these papers would be due on this day. So that is why I started a couple of weeks early. So I wasn't overwhelmed because I went to my favorite corner of the library and pumped these papers.

I still have 15 page paper to write due next Monday as well as another debate to prepare for next Friday. So as my family is gathered around the table saying their thanks I will be in the corner with my turkey drum stick typing out a paper...JK...Forget that it's a four day break and I will spending my Thanksgiving with family filling myself up with turkey, cranberry sauce, stuffing, and mash patatas. CANT WAIT!!! but the day after I will then write my 15 page paper while having Thanksgiving leftovers.

So THANKSGIVING!!! I'm not really a pro-Thanksgiving person but I am just happy to be going home for a couple of days and relaxing, granted I still have a paper to write. What makes me even more pumped is that when we come back we only have one week left of classes before X-MAS Break!!!!

Well this is it for now...HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Open House

1100 people showed up at Suffolk's doors for Open House on Saturday, and what time did I have to be there, AT 8am. I was so comfortable in my bed and I did not want to get up at all, but I did. Overall, it was a good turn out and most of the students and parents on my tour had plenty of questions to ask. The only downside was the weather, it wasn't really raining that much but it was humid. I am getting a little nervous because the cause of this stranger weather is global warning. Under any normal circumstance should it be that warm out in mid fall. I know I should appreciate every moment of sunshine and good weather but it's only the calm before the storm. If it's that warm out then I am predicting a terrible winter this year. Just thinking about winter gives me chills.

Well This is the last full week before Thanksgiving as well as two weeks before X-MAS break!!!! I am so excited I have said it before and I will say it again, I can't wait to get on break. So before Monday I was able to complete 3 papers before the deadline on Friday and my presentation was on Monday and so I took Monday night off from doing work. Granted I will have two 8-10 page research papers, debate, and another topic paper still left to do, but I am still ahead of the game. Today, will be back to the grind stone and pumping out these papers.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

"We're Half Way There....oooohhhh OH!"

Well actually it's more than half way over. This semester is almost over in 4 WEEKSSS!!!! THANK YOU TO THE POWERS TO BE!!!! I am so ready for this semester to be over, I've just been so over worked with papers, RA stuff, SU101 stuff, and Grad School stuff.

This past weekend I had the opportunity to attend this conference called NASPA which is a major conference for Student Affair professionals. This conference also had a sub conference called SALT, which was intended for undergrad students interested in Student Affairs. There was about 50 undergrads and the conference was from Sunday to Monday, and after leaving the conference I walked away with 4 grad schools in which I want to apply to. This conference was basically a foot in the door to exploring and networking with professionals as well as exploring a couple of grad schools. I originally wanted to apply to Northeastern and Suffolk but after meeting the representatives of other schools I've decided to apply to Northeastern, Springfield College, UCONN, and Suffolk.

With Thanksgiving around the corner I will be spending my free time off from school applying to Grad programs. I am having a friend of mine proof-reading my personal statement, I am currently in the works of getting my recommendations ready, and hopefully if I do everything right and according to plan I will be able to have everything sent out before X-Mas Break(fingers crossed.

Lastly, Open House on Saturday, should be exciting!!!!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


So change has happened, last night Senator Barack Obama was introduced as our Commander and Chief. When he spoke last night he gave such a powerful speech. It was unlike any other speech in past election victories. There was no balloons or confetti falling from the air it was just him and his words. He understands that nothing is going to be easy and change does not happen over night but it will happen. Some how his speech was very comforting and I look forward to January 2009.

In other news I am in that moment of counting down the weeks, days, hours and minutes to when it will be X-MAS break. I could really use a month of to sleep or just to stay in my room without having to always go somewhere. I had a presentation today which went very well although I felt at certain moments I was going to vomit. Now I look at this in the broad perspective I have a group presentation to work on, 15 page research paper, 8 page research paper for social problems, 3 8 page papers for my Intro to Counseling class and all due in a matter of 3 weeks, and of course a test next week as well as my other readings I have to get done. What keeps me going and able to do this is the Library as well as at the end of next semester I will be getting my DEGREE!!!!

Well That's all for now. Until Next time-Peace Out kids!